Saturday, March 10, 2007

Banquets Were Created To Punish Me

Less than a quarter tank of gas + Missing and exit + Semi-drivers in both lanes hittin 90mph = One EXTREMELY unhappy Sarah.

Now we take the same Sarah, put her in the seat next to one Jesse, scramble it all up, and now we have an extremly pissed off Sarah.

Take the pissed off Sarah, lose her wallet, get a semi to almost run her over, make her puke her guts out for 4 hours straight, and you have yourself the Sarah that woke up Friday morning.

Unhappy, pissed, and sick, Sarah went to school wishing she had a cliff to drive off of. Sadly, her sister was in the car, so she couldn't go searching for one. Sarah had a horrible day, full of flunking multiple tests, a certain someone (make that 2 someones) trying to be funny and flirtatious (but only succeeding 2 make her even more angry). And then Sarah left school. Glad to be gone she took her sister to Starbucks, and went home. Sarah watched Alice in Wonderland with her sister, took a shower, and went to bed (extremely early, yet extremely comforting).

Sarah likes speaking in the 3rd person, maybe she will do it more often. :P

1 comment:

Bekah said...

HOLY CRAP!!!! You're on blogger!!!!

Now tell me the truth. Are you mad at me????